It was nice to hear from a couple of school board members. They have a lot of responsibility in the school. They are in charge of hiring a superintendent when one is needed. That is a big job to handle. They said that when they are considering candidates they get input from staff and the town members. They are also in charge of setting policies and they review them yearly.
When they were asked about No Child Left Behind they agreed with it. That was surprising to me to have the school board and the administration both agree with NCLB. They said that they always knew that Decorah was a good school and now that they have the standardized tests they have proof to back up what they thought. The scores help them to determine what needs to be improved. It tells them what area they need to pay more attention to.
They were asked about teaching a second language earlier. Someone mentioned teaching a language in elementary school. They said that the students could be missing out on an opportunity since it is not taught earlier.
The school board members also mentioned that a lot of students forget information over the summer break. When the students come back from break they have to reteach some of the material. They have thought about making school year round. The students would have a few breaks each year instead of one long summer break.
The school board members did a great job of answering all of the questions that we had for them. It was nice that they took the time to come to the class and talk to us.