Monday, February 8, 2010

Paideia II "The Flourishing Life"

"The flourishing life" was an interesting read. I do not agree with everything that Brighouse said in the chapter it was interesting to hear his point of view.

One thing that I do not agree with is, the purpose of education is to promote human flourishing. First of all human flourishing is not the same to everyone. We have all come from different experiences. My view of a flourishing life may be very different from others views. How are we suppose to promote how to have a flourishing life? I feel that in order to have a flourishing life you need to have an idea of what you want. You can have a flourishing life depending on what you make of it.

The one thing that I do agree with is when he said that flourishing and happiness are two different things. You may see some one who has a great job and accomplished a lot in their life but they are not happy. Some one may be happy but not have a lot to show for themselves. There are different ways to look at happiness and flourishing. We all have our own views about happiness and what a flourishing life for us looks like.

In the chapter he did make some good points about current education. I think in the end we all need to make the decision for ourselves as to what makes for a flourishing life.

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